Heroic Service Dog Shields Blind Owner by Interposing Himself in Front of a School Bus

A guide dog demonstrated remarkable loyalty and courage when he noticed an approaching small school bus heading straight for his visually impaired owner.

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Audrey Stone and her service dog, Figo, were in the path of the school bus, unbeknownst to the bus driver. However, Figo saw the approaching danger and reacted swiftly by positioning himself between Stone and the oncoming vehicle, acting as a shield.

figo service dog jumps between bus and owner

As reported by USA Today, Brewster Chief of Police John Del Gardo expressed profound admiration for Figo, stating, “The dog absorbed much of the impact and remained steadfastly by her side. He was determined to protect her.”

Fifteen emergency medical technicians (EMTs) promptly arrived to assist Stone, who had suffered a fractured right elbow, a broken ankle, and three broken ribs. Throughout the ordeal, Figo remained by her side, with Stone repeatedly calling out to him for reassurance.

service dog 1Despite suffering a severe laceration on his right leg, Figo displayed remarkable composure and did not vocalize distress, even though he was clearly in pain.

As Figo couldn’t accompany Stone in the ambulance, he was transported in the Brewster Fire Department truck and promptly taken to the veterinarian for treatment.

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Both Figo and Stone are now in recovery after undergoing surgery and are reported to be in stable condition.

What an exceptionally selfless and courageous dog! Share Figo’s heroic act with your loved ones and friends.

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