Spike, a 23-year old Chihuahua, has been officially recognized as the world’s oldest living dog

While dogs’ lifespans are shorter than that of humans, some are fortunate enough to live long and healthy lives, serving as inspiration to us all. A small number of these dogs even earn the distinction of being recognized as the oldest dog in the world.
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Spike, a 23-year-old Chihuahua, has officially been named the oldest dog in the world by Guinness World Records. As of December 7, 2022, Spike was 23 years and 43 days old, surpassing the previous title holder, Gino, who held the title in November.

Spike, the world’s oldest living dog, lives with his owner, Rita Kimball, in Camden, Ohio. However, Spike did not have the best start in life. Rita found him in a grocery store parking lot, where he had been mistreated by his previous owner. Rita described Spike’s condition at the time as “He had been shaved up his back, had blood stains around his neck from a chain or rope, and looked pretty rough,” and the store clerk informed her that he had been there for three days and they were feeding him scraps.

When Spike followed Rita out of the store parking lot, she knew it was the start of a special bond and decided to take him home with her. She named him Spike, which is an ironic name for her “small and friendly” dog. According to Rita, “Spike was a name for a large dog. My guy was small, but he had the attitude of a big dog.”

When Rita adopted Spike, he was already 10 years old, already an adult dog, so she couldn’t have imagined he would live another 13 years. Over the years, Spike has led a comfortable and structured life on the farm. He wakes up early, visits the barn animals, and accompanies Rita throughout her daily chores.

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“There’s always something to do on a farm, we cut wood, clean out fence rows, bale hay, and harvest crops,” Rita explained. “Spike has ridden on tractors, been a passenger inside the combine, and tags along when we cut wood.” But Rita didn’t realize that her beloved dog could actually be a world record holder until she was watching Jimmy Fallon and realized that Spike was older than then-oldest dog Pebbles.

“We always knew Spike was getting up there in age, but it never occurred to us that he could be the oldest dog in the world,” said Rita. “It wasn’t until I saw him being featured on Jimmy Fallon’s show that I realized he was older than the previous record holder. Now that he holds the title, our family sees him as a celebrity.” Despite his age, Spike still maintains a playful spirit, even if his vision and hearing are not what they used to be. “He may be a bit grumpier now, but when someone talks to him, his tail still wags,” Rita added.

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The title of the oldest dog in the world has been passed around quite frequently in recent times. In April, a Chihuahua named TobyKeith, who was 21 years old, held the title, but it was taken over by another dog named Pebbles, who was 22 years old, just a few weeks later. However, in October, Pebbles passed away, and TobyKeith regained the title, only to be overtaken by Gino who was even older.
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Now, the title has been handed over to Spike, a 23-year-old Chihuahua. Regardless of who holds the official title, all these dogs are truly remarkable and a testament to the fact that love and proper care can allow dogs to live beyond their expected lifespan.

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