A man with his mother saves hundreds of street dogs , and gives them a new life

The world isn’t perfect. Even though we all deserve love, care and a sanctuary; not everyone gets these things. Some people have heart but still end up dying or living with pain every day because they can’t fix the problems in their lives entirely. The world is imperfect ; there are flaws that seem impossible to solve  no matter how hard we try, someone will always be disappointed. However , this doesn’t mean anything when you realize what kind of person you truly want to be.

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This loving mother and son duo Dejan and Svetlana, has made it their life’s goal to make the world a better place. They have rescued more than a thousand dogs over 20 years, many of which are now living in an enclosure at their sanctuary with plenty of space for all these furry friends!

When Dejan and Svetlana first started doing good, it was just to feed the strays in their home village of Cumic. The locals appreciated these kind acts that they did for them, as a result, people began building up an opinion on what kinds of actions should be taken next, and with this came more resources which means even greater things could be done !

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The establishment of this shelter called “the Vucjak Shelter” was the result of years worth of efforts by many people. Years went by, and when Svetlana passed away, Dejan decided to keep their mutual legacy going and worked alone. He had always been an animal lover – it was only right that he take on this responsibility as well! Yet running the shelter wasn’t easy, not only because there were so many animals at one time (and before you knew it), but also due in part from having no help around-which meant lots of work for someone who needed rest just like anyone else…

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“My mother started all this in 1997. It was not planned, there’s no specific reason, we found one puppy who needed help and took him home with us – that is how everything started! She just wanted to make sure an innocent dog was somewhere safe until his owner came looking for him or got released from prison (I’m not kidding). “

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“We were best friends by then,” Dejan told Bored Panda about their relationship,  “She taught me what it means to never give up on yourself because anyone can be your biggest fan if they want something bad enough.” And while talking through problems often involved some laughter alongside tears at times during the interview.

Dejan reported that the shelter is currently struggling with issues such as preparing 1000 dogs for winter and caring for them. He also said they receive several calls every day, because the stray dog population is also an issue here in Serbia where people leave their pets every day without knowing what will happen or if those animals even make it out alive after being left by the wayside.

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Although the wolves are currently also under threat, Dejan has made it his mission to protect them. To do this he brings fresh meat whenever possible and advocates for their safety with other locals in order to convince others that they should remain pristine so as not disrupt balance or ecosystem .

The sad reality is that without help, Dejan’s shelter would be unable to survive. There are many expenses associated with running such an operation and they’re constantly increasing due in part to the needs of their ever-growing population – especially during winter months when people stop donating food or money because it becomes too difficult for them! But thanks largely from kind hearts who understand how important these animals truly are; together they’ve made sure there’ll soon come a time when no more dogs will go hungry here in their country.

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Last but not least, Dejan has shown his determination to the cause that he chose. “I want to say that I will fight for animals until my dying day because it is a part of who I am .” Driven by Svetlana’s passion, he is carrying on what she started and after her passing, he took up arms against these injustices because it’s how they both wanted things done. It’s their legacy.

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