Abandoned Because Of His “Ugly” Face, This Dog Found The Perfect Mom And Was Adopted

Jamie Hulit lives in Texas and she has always been a dog lover at heart. That’s why she helps dogs however she can, especially by volunteering with rescues in Austin and surrounding areas. She has even fostered some dogs at her ranch until they get adopted, which is very rewarding to her.

Jamie only owned one dog at that point, but that would quickly change when she met Lucky. She instantly knew that he wasn’t a candidate for foster care, so she decided to give him a new life by taking him home with her.

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The Yellow Labrador Named Lucky

Lucky, a uniquely beautiful yellow Labrador, entered the world at a puppy mill back in 2012. He was born with a facial deformation that made his forehead look permanently furrowed. The breeder immediately deemed him an “eyesore” and he was quick to get rid of the dog, so he gave it away to the first person who would take him.

That would be Lucky’s first stop in the nearly endless series of homes he would be in for the next few years. He got passed from one family to the next. Eventually, that led Lucky to Austin, where he found the latest home. However, the family already had cats and they never took a liking to Lucky. As a result, he would be passed off to someone else.

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This time, Lucky was confined to the backyard and he was always tied to a tree. That was his only type of shelter and also the only type of company he got. When the family moved, they didn’t take Lucky with them. Instead, they contacted a dog shelter to wash their hands off Lucky.

When Lucky got into the shelter, a lovely volunteer got him washed and groomed, took some pictures of him, and posted them on social media. That’s where Jamie found him for the first time and Lucky was about to be truly lucky for the first time in his life. Jamie immediately knew she had found her dog, she felt that he was meant for her.

The First Meeting

When Jamie met Lucky in person for the first time, the 5-year-old yellow Labrador was very skinny. He only weighed 42 pounds and he had many different health issues that he needed help with. Additionally, he needed to be neutered and microchipped. To add to the list, Lucky had a flea infestation and he also had heartworms, among other problems caused by years of neglect.

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None of that was an issue for Jamie, though! She was a volunteer, after all, and she had some experience. More importantly, she was dedicated to helping Lucky get his health back at whatever cost. But the first thing Jamie did to mark Lucky’s new beginning was give him a different name.

She named him Beaux Tox because his deformity makes him look like he needs Botox, which is a great pun if you ask us! Beaux Tox is a beautiful boy, he’s just unique, and Jaime knows how to appreciate beauty in whatever form it comes. $8,000 and a week in an oxygen tent later, Beaux Tox was slowly but surely making progress.

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He was no longer at risk of dying and he came close to it at least once. Jamie was adamant about giving him the best possible chance, so she told her veterinarian she didn’t care what needed to be done or how much it cost, she would do it. Her vet didn’t hold back and, as a result, Beaux Tox was out of danger and he was healthy again.

A Loving Home

As you can imagine, Beaux Tox settled without any issues into his new home. That’s where he has been for over a year and now he knows what it’s like to have a loving, warm home with a doting mom and an older dog brother, Riley. Jamie and the dogs also welcomed a new addition, a sister named Scout. She was also rescued and she’s very happy with her new mom and brothers.

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When Jamie takes Beaux Tox out for a walk and people see him, they often ask why he looks the way he does. Sometimes, they even laugh at him. Jaime would let them! She wasn’t ashamed. She also started making cute ties for him so people wouldn’t get the wrong impression based on his face, which could look scary to those who don’t have the pleasure of knowing Beaux Tox and his cheerful personality.

It doesn’t matter what kind of pedigree they have, what lineage they come from, what color their fur is, or what they look like, all dogs deserve to have a safe home and to be loved. None of them deserved to be neglected or mistreated, not even a little bit. Fortunately, many people understand that! People like Jaime, volunteers, and people like you, who are reading this because you care about this dog’s story.

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This is the kind of people who can look past Beaux Tox’s looks and see him for the beautiful, happy boy he now is. If you want to spread his story and raise awareness about dogs with deformities, share this happy story! People need to understand that bird defects don’t define these dogs. They’re beautiful in their own way and they have as much love to give as the next good boy!

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