Adorable dog stuck in thick black tar is saved after other Pups Bark to get help from humans

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If people who are willing to go above and beyond to rescue and save animals in trouble didn’t exist, many of those defenseless creatures would end up badly hurt or worse. Thankfully, those kinds of people do exist, and they often work in not-for-profit organizations such as Proyecto 4 Patas.

Located in Argentina, this organization is dedicated to rescuing animals and that’s exactly what they did for Aloe, a dog who was recently found 100% covered in tar. Poor Aloe couldn’t even move and it was a group of children who alerted Proyecto 4 Patas and pointed them in the right direction.

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To the Rescue!

When members of the organization got the tip, they took it upon themselves to help and save Aloe. It took a team of 8 volunteers who worked for 9 straight hours to clean the poor dog. 50 liters of oil and 3 baths later, Aloe was back to normal. However, her journey wasn’t over yet!

The incredible work of the team at Proyecto 4 Patas showed the community of Libertad, Buenos Aires that there are people determined and ready to help. From the children who tipped the organization off to neighbors, police, and firefighters who offered to help Aloe and contributed to her rescue.

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Keep reading to learn more about Proyecto 4 Patas and what they did for Aloe. With over 313k followers on Instagram and almost 2 million Facebook fans, this organization is supported by many. Not just because they rescue animals in need, but also because they are a loud voice against animal experimentation or using animals for food, clothing, and entertainment.

Aloe Couldn’t Move an Inch, But the Worst Is Over

According to a representative of Proyecto 4 Patas, Aloe is feeling amazing and she’s a lovely dog. Those who have spent time with her have identified her quirks and the things that make her stand out. For example, there’s nothing she doesn’t like eating and she enjoys following her caretakers around all day.

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Aloe is a loving dog, so she likes to give love as much as she likes receiving it. As such, she has won over the hearts of many and everyone in the organization is head over heels for her. Currently, they are focused on getting Aloe fully healthy. She is still quite thin, so they’re working on helping her recover. Ultimately, the goal is to find a forever family and home for her.

Proyecto 4 Patas has been helping cats and dogs that find themselves in all kinds of awful situations. They have been working for 13 years and it’s truly shocking to learn that they had never found a dog in Aloe’s condition. Imagine for a second what it would feel like to be unable to move. That was Aloe’s reality for so long and there was no one there to help.

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When the people at the organization were getting her all cleaned up, they were afraid she could die at any moment. However, after the first bath, Aloe seemed much more relaxed. She understood they were trying to help her, and she allowed them to do their job. When they were done with the baths, they thought she would be tired and in need of some sleep, but she stayed near them and cuddled up to them.

Everyone at Proyecto 4 Patas knew that Aloe was reborn after that, and they were certain that the worst was over. She now has a great life ahead of her and she deserves it. So do all the dogs and cats in the world!

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The Values of Proyecto 4 Patas

Proyecto 4 Patas is founded on the belief that all animals deserve basic rights, including the right to live and not suffer. As such, they work hard to help animals and fight against people who would hurt innocent animals for no reason at all. Not that there’s ever a reason to cause animals any pain!

This organization has strong values and they’re entirely dedicated to championing animal rights. They are also more than happy to share their knowledge and expertise to help others if they ever encounter animals in dire situations. For instance, if you ever find an animal covered in tar, the first thing Proyecto 4 Patas recommends is to contact either the local authorities or a local animal rights group.

They will know exactly what to do! However, if you can’t wait for anyone else to come to the rescue and there’s no one around to help, you can start helping by massaging vegetable oil into the animal’s body. This will help loosen the tar, which will make it easier to remove. Keep in mind it will take large amounts of vegetable oil, especially if the animal is fully covered in tar.

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It will take a few hours to get through all the baths it will require, but it will all be worth it in the end. Proyecto 4 Patas recommends avoiding kerosene to loosen or remove tar from an animal’s body. That’s because kerosene can damage their skin and cause more discomfort or pain. Do your best and get the rescued animal to professionals as soon as possible!

To this day, it is unknown if Aloe was pushed into the pit she was found in or if she accidentally fell. Either way, we’re very happy local children found her when they did and we’re proud they decided to do the right thing by calling people who could help. Share Aloe’s story to inspire others to do what’s right and help animals in need whenever the opportunity shows itself.

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Look at what Aloe looks like today! She’s such a beautiful dog, isn’t she?

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