Everyone finds homes for the dogs, except for her. Her disfigured face causes people to ponder the importance of not making judgments solely based on outward appearances.

Upon first laying eyes on a photograph of Kleo, Meagan Hanley, the founder of A Place for Ace Rescue in Massachusetts, was immediately moved to take action, fearing that time was running out.

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Kleo, who teetered on the brink of euthanasia at a shelter in San Antonio, Texas, became the focal point of Meagan’s swift intervention. Having been adopted and returned in the past, Meagan’s apprehension centered around the possibility that Kleo might not secure another home in time to spare her from a grim fate.

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One distinguishing physical characteristic that may have influenced Kleo’s adoption journey is her slightly asymmetrical face and a notably unique body structure compared to the typical canine. However, there was an undeniable connection Meagan felt with Kleo, spurring her to initiate rescue efforts. At present, Kleo resides in a foster home in Boston, radiating with happiness.

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Despite the challenges she’s encountered, Kleo embraces life with unwavering enthusiasm, displaying remarkable resilience in the face of change. Brianne Miers, her adoptive mother, is continually amazed by Kleo’s indomitable spirit.

“Kleo seizes each day with an unbridled zeal for life. Her mornings commence with boundless energy, as if she’s been launched from a cannon. She’s inquisitive about the world around her and incredibly intelligent,” Brianne shared.

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While Brianne has cared for numerous dogs in the past, none quite compare to Kleo’s unique personality. Kleo herself remains oblivious to any distinctions she may have from her furry peers, although people do take note of her unique features, which have played a role in her journey to adoption.

“She lets out an endearing snort when she’s excited, and due to her bite, she can be a bit messy while drinking water or enjoying a crunchy snack. Nonetheless, she’s a happy, normal, and healthy dog. Thankfully, she remains blissfully unaware of any differences. I’ve seen people give her curious glances as we pass by, but she confidently embraces herself,” Brianne added.

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Kleo stands out as an exceptional dog, ideally suited for a family with older children and the ability to coexist with cats. Tailored for an active household, Kleo seeks a family that can keep up with her energetic lifestyle. She would excel as a running or walking partner and possesses a high level of intelligence, necessitating mental stimulation through toys, puzzles, bones, or interaction with another dog.

“Kleo was listed for adoption alongside 20 other dogs, and most found homes quickly. Unfortunately, she hasn’t received significant interest,” Brianna added.

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Kleo’s primary longing is for love and acceptance. While it’s been challenging to witness other dogs finding homes before her, Kleo’s foster family remains confident that the right forever family will come along in due time.

As long as Kleo remains unadopted, she continues to explore and enjoy life within her foster home, supported by caregivers who eagerly anticipate her eventual placement in a loving forever home.

Share Kleo’s story to assist in finding her the perfect home where she can finally relish a joyful and enduring life.

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