Nurturing the Journey: Honorary Degree Acknowledges a Service Dog’s Devotion, Fostering Genuineness.

Service dogs can be invaluable companions for those in need. They not only offer medical and emotional support but also become loyal, dependable pets who stand by your side when you need them most.

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So, when a devoted service dog accompanied his owner throughout grad school, the university decided to honor his exceptional service.

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Brittany Hawley, a resident of Wilson, North Carolina, who uses a wheelchair due to complex regional pain syndrome, found the perfect match through the paws4prisons program a few years ago. The moment she met Griffin, a dog with no fear of her wheelchair, she knew he was the one. Brittany recalled, “Some dogs were scared of the wheelchair, but Griffin jumped right into my lap and licked me across the face.”

Griffin became a crucial part of Brittany’s life just as she was about to embark on a new chapter: pursuing her master’s degree in occupational therapy at Clarkson University.

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This remarkable service dog attended all of Brittany’s classes and assisted her with tasks like opening doors and fetching supplies. Moreover, Griffin provided emotional support during moments of anxiety and depression. Brittany expressed, “I felt more independent, I was more social, I felt more outgoing with him.” Together, Brittany and Griffin thrived at Clarkson, and by late 2018, Brittany was ready to graduate.

However, she knew that her achievement was only possible because of her service dog, and she couldn’t imagine celebrating without him. Brittany stated, “We moved to New York together, we started school together, and we finished together.” Her desire went beyond having Griffin by her side; she wanted him to receive his own degree. “From day one, I pushed for Griffin to graduate with me when I graduate.”

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Remarkably, the university agreed, and Griffin had the opportunity to cross the stage and accept an honorary degree for his “extraordinary contributions to student success.” Clarkson University released a statement, saying, “The Board of Trustees recognized that Griffin has demonstrated extraordinary effort, steadfast commitment, and diligent dedication to the well-being and student success of his owner, Brittany. The two pursued a graduate degree in Occupational Therapy together, attending all the same classes, lectures, and faculty appointments, making Griffin an equal member of the Clarkson Golden Knights family.”

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After graduation, Brittany continued to pursue her dream of becoming an occupational therapist, with a focus on working with veterans and military personnel. And, of course, her loyal service dog, Griffin, will be with her every single day on this journey.

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