Amazing Couple Help Rescue 34 Stray Dogs And Cats While On Vacation

This story of a couple on vacation who took the time to help the stray animals they encountered touched my heart!

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On a recent trip to La Paz, Mexico, Jeff and Diana Hall discovered a large pack of stray dogs and cats living on the beach together. Most of them were very thin and in need of medical attention but they were extremely friendly.

The couple, who own Camp Bow Wow doggy day camp in Burnsville, MN, counted 34 animals in the pack.

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There are: 8 puppies about 3-4 weeks old, 5 puppies about 14 weeks old, 14 adult dogs and 7 cats.

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The Halls knew about the overpopulation of dogs in Mexico and that in Baja California Sur there are an estimated 10,000 stray dogs.

But the Halls were still “awestruck by the number of dogs and cats living in one pack and trying to survive together.”

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They knew immediately that they needed to help the animals they nicknamed the “Baja 34 Pack”. They soon discovered, however, there was no way to bring any of them back home due to the regulations and requirements.

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However, that didn’t stop them from researching local rescue groups and begin thinking of ways they could help the dogs and cats over the long-term.

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While they researched rescue groups, they fed and gave water to their pack every day. The Halls were astounded by just how well the animals all got along. “We fed them as one big pack and they just dove for the food and had no food aggression – even with the cats!”

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“We had some wet food and could feed them a forkful of food one at a time and they would all sit there and take turns, yes, even with the cats,” the Halls describe on their GoFundMe page.

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“They were well behaved and very friendly. It took a while for a couple of them to trust us, but in the end they were all happy to eat out of our hands – even the toughest little guy finally came around.”

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The Halls spoke with the local no-kill shelter but they were sadly over-capacity and could not assist the Halls.

They also found a rescue group called Baja Dogs La Paz that helps bring dogs back to the US and Canada for adoption. This group works with the shelter, and are assisting the Halls with their rescue project.

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The Halls are raising funds to help the Baja 34 Pack and help cover the costs of spaying and neutering the animals, give them health checks and vaccinations and work towards having them transported to Minnesota, where they hope to find them loving homes.

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Since beginning their campaign, several of the dogs have been adopted, and the first few puppies have arrived in Minnesota.

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“Each and every one of these dogs and cats are well behaved and would make wonderful family pets,” the Halls write.

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“We were in awe of their trust in us and we saw hope in their eyes. Although they are starving for food, it was apparent they are also starving for love.”

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Thanks to the Halls the pack have a better hope for their futures!

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To help donate to the Baja 34 Rescue Project visit their GoFundMe page or if you are interested in adopting one of the animals contact them through their website.

It’s a truly wonderful thing that they are doing! Share their inspiring efforts to help these dogs with your friends and family!

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