Dog Adopted by Coffee Shop Sits with Customers Every Day to Keep Them Company

In the bustling neighborhood of Buenos Aires lies a quaint and charming coffee shop, Dickens. Owned by Camila Gallando, this Argentine café is renowned for its delectable food and relaxing ambiance. The café is a favorite spot for locals, and a new addition to the place made it even more special. un chien adopte par un cafe sassoit tous les jours avec des clients pour leur tenir compagnie perro 4 41

Meet Córchito, a sweet and gentle dog adopted by Camila. The pup was named after his small size, and he is now in charge of greeting and guiding customers who are alone or distressed. Córchito sits next to customers and provides them with his company, and though he doesn’t beg for anything, he is sure to make them feel loved and supported.

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Córchito is aware that sometimes all you need to feel better is a little love and support. When someone is having a bad day, this dog can tell, and he provides comfort and affection with his presence. His calming and affectionate demeanor makes customers feel better just by being around him.


Before Córchito came to the café, every day was the same, with few exceptions. But now, the café has become a new home for Córchito, and he has transformed the atmosphere of the place. The café is a welcoming and inclusive space, thanks to Córchito, and he has become an integral part of the café’s family.

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Córchito loves everyone who comes into the café, and he is known for his friendly demeanor. He doesn’t judge anyone, and he listens carefully when people talk to him. For some customers, Córchito is a source of comfort and a reason to come back to the café. When one of the regular customers’ spouse passed away, she now visits the café alone, but Córchito has become an even more significant presence for her.

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In conclusion, Córchito is an exceptional dog with a heart of gold. He is a symbol of comfort, love, and inclusivity, and he has made a significant impact on the people who visit the café. The next time you visit Dickens, you may find Córchito sitting next to you, and you’ll realize that sometimes, all you need is a little love and a furry friend to make your day a little brighter.

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