Dogs My Love Tue, 17 Oct 2023 16:44:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Dogs My Love clean An Animal Welfare Organization Issues a Caution Regarding the Hazards of Conveying Dogs in the Rear Bed of Pickup Trucks Tue, 17 Oct 2023 16:44:29 +0000
Every summer there are frequent warnings about the dangers of leaving dogs in hot cars, but there are far fewer warnings about the dangers of letting dogs ride in the back of open pickup trucks.

Letting your dog ride unsecured in the back of a pickup truck is not only unsafe it can be potentially d.e.a.d.l.y. Common sense would say that this is isn’t something a dog owner would do.

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However, according to Alberta Animal Services, more than 100,000 dogs die each year riding in the box of a truck.

It’s an alarming statistic, and one that the Alberta Animal Services highlighted recently on Facebook. The animal welfare group pointed out that this statistic doesn’t even include the number of dogs seriously injured after being thrown from a vehicle.
In an effort to educate people about responsible dog ownership, they wrote about the dangers of dogs being unsecured in a motor vehicle.


Here’s what they wrote:


“More Than 100,000 Dogs Die Each Year Riding in the Box of a Truck.

“Transferring a dog in a truck box improperly is placing them in a very unsafe position.

“You may see it as you’re driving around. Dogs riding in the back of trucks. You might even know someone who does it. Veterinarians see numerous cases of dogs being injured because they jumped or were thrown from the bed of a pickup truck.

If these dogs are lucky enough to still be alive, broken legs and joint injuries are among the most common types of damage, and often result in amputation.

“There are many other dangers that can happen:


“Eye, Ear & Nose Damage: Being in the open air traveling at high speeds whether their head is out the window or they’re in the back of the truck, can cause damage. The swirling of the air in the bed of a truck can cause dirt, debris and insects to become lodged in the dog’s eyes, ears, and nose.

“Being Ejected from the Truck: Imagine slamming on your brakes while your dog is in the truck bed. It’s likely that they could fly right out into the road, possibly getting hit by another vehicle. You also run the risk of getting into an accident.

If you think that securing them with a rope or chain is any better, you’re wrong. There have been cases where dogs were thrown out of the back of the truck while still attached and being dragged on the road or hanging while the owner is still driving.

“Jumping Ship: Your dog may have plans of their own. Who’s to say they’re not going to willingly jump out in order to better investigate a situation?

How long would it take you to realize they’re gone? Just because your dog would never do that doesn’t mean that it could never happen. You never know what might trigger them at any given time.


“Regardless of your current laws, it is always wise to practice safe and proper care when transporting your pet. A responsible pet owner makes sure their animals stay safe and healthy at home and on the road.”

It should be noted that it’s illegal in several states in the US and provinces in Canada to transport unsecured pets in the back of a pickup truck, flatbed trailer, or in any other unsecured way.

If you see a dog being transported this way, you can call the authorities. Most states without such a law are working on legislation to protect dogs from being transported this way.

However, regardless of the law, people should practice responsible pet ownership and educate those that may not know about the dangers of dogs riding in the back of pickup trucks.

Please spread the world with the dog lovers you know.

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Regrettably, he used a belt to damage her spirit, but they maintain that her soul remains unbreakable Sun, 15 Oct 2023 08:14:34 +0000 Dogs that have experienced mistreatment undergo profound trauma that can be difficult to overcome. Rebuilding their trust is a unique challenge.

A local shelter in Texas opened its doors to a dog named Gia, but due to a shortage of staff and volunteers, they faced limitations.

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Gia, a pitiful dog, huddled in a corner, trembling. Every attempt to approach her intensified her fear. Physical contact would cause her to remain still, even urinating out of sheer terror.

Gia had suffered severe abuse at the hands of a supposed caregiver who had tied her to a tree and beaten her with a belt. Both her physical and psychological scars were evident.

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The small local shelter was ill-equipped to provide the extensive assistance Gia required. Fortunately, DallasDogRRR stepped in.

Dallas Dog Rescue Rehab Reform is an exceptional organization known for accepting the most challenging cases. With love, patience, and kindness, they strive to rehabilitate dogs like Gia.

Gia now resides in their shelter, and immediate progress is noticeable. She seeks refuge under a bed when humans approach, but in their absence, she emerges from her hiding spot to play with other dogs, exhibiting a newfound joy – all captured by security cameras.

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It appears Gia has begun to trust her fellow canines. She is preparing to move to a special foster home, where an experienced foster mother will work diligently to help her become more comfortable around people. This journey will take time, but Gia is now in safe hands.

An update reveals that Gia is en route to her new foster home. Although she remains cautious and fearful, she has been observed showing interest in her new surroundings, especially in response to the presence of another dog.

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The foster mother, who understands the need for patience and gentleness, is committed to providing a secure and nurturing environment. Gia is surrounded by people who only wish the best for her.

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We remain confident that Gia will overcome her ordeal and enjoy a happy life. Dogs are resilient beings, and Gia is no exception. Our hope is that she will soon find a forever home where she can heal completely.

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A Stray Canine Persistently Pursues a Bus Until the Driver Decides to Provide Her a Home Sun, 15 Oct 2023 08:09:01 +0000 It’s heart-wrenching to witness solitary, uncared-for stray dogs roaming the streets, their pain often reflected in their eyes. These abandoned canines long for a warm and loving home.

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Stray dogs face a tough life. Unlike wild dogs or wolves that understand how to navigate the streets and ensure their survival, dogs that have been domesticated struggle when left to fend for themselves in an urban environment.

When city animals are left to their own devices, they often become disoriented, face difficulties adjusting, and may even suffer from starvation or exposure. However, the dog in our story had successfully adapted to urban life.

Our story begins in Quezon City, Philippines, where Jaypee Barcelinia boarded a bus.

As Jaypee sat on the bus, her attention was drawn to a dog racing at high speed alongside it. Whenever the bus slowed down, the dog attempted to climb on board. While a dog chasing after a bus wasn’t an unusual sight, what made this story remarkable was the dog’s unwavering determination. Even after six failed attempts to board the bus, the dog refused to give up.

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Impressed by the dog’s efforts, Jaypee considered the idea of the bus driver allowing the dog on board. However, the driver was apprehensive. He feared that the dog might become aggressive and pose a risk to other passengers, despite the apparent desire of the weary pup to find a place to rest.

Undeterred by the initial rejection, the determined dog continued its pursuit. Onlookers were inspired by the dog’s tenacity.

When the bus eventually stopped, the dog approached the door, almost as if requesting permission to come on board. Witnessing the dog’s unyielding efforts, the bus driver couldn’t refuse any longer. He allowed the dog to climb aboard. Once on the bus, the friendly canine found a comfortable spot, sat down, and soon began to nap.

This heartwarming incident quickly went viral as people were deeply moved by the dog’s perseverance. But the story didn’t end there. The driver, who had initially been hesitant to allow the dog on board, formed a bond with the dog and decided to adopt her.

“Even after the journey ended, the dog didn’t want to leave,” Barcelinia explained in her interview with Newsflare. “The driver is now looking after her.” This story serves as a poignant reminder that determination can lead to remarkable outcomes.

What an incredible tale of resilience! This dog fought hard for a chance at a better life, and it’s a story worth celebrating.

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A Sick Abandoned Puppy is Overjoyed When the Firefighter Who Rescued Her Pays a Visit Sun, 15 Oct 2023 07:58:26 +0000 This heartwarming reunion couldn’t be any more touching! Firefighter Mike Thawley discovered a Pit Bull puppy and promptly checked on her at the nearby animal shelter.

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Mike serves at Fire Station 14 in Sacramento, California. He stumbled upon the ailing puppy tied up in the rain and swiftly came to her rescue. After giving her a thorough cleanup, he took her to the Front Street Animal Shelter for essential medical care.

The following day, he paid her another visit, and as you can observe in the video below, her gratitude shines through.

Dubbed as Chunkie, the little pup immediately recognizes her savior, joyfully wagging her tail and seeking Mike’s affection. Mike cradles Chunkie in his arms and lovingly dresses her in a charming pink sweater as she recuperates from mange. Whenever he steps away, she’s eager to follow him.

Witness this heartwarming moment in the video below:

But Mike’s kindness didn’t stop there.

Mike, along with his wife Carla and their three daughters, collectively decided to foster Chunkie while she underwent treatment for a noncontagious form of mange and ultimately make her a permanent part of their family.

“We all simply fell in love with her,” Thawley shared.

This is undeniably a story that deserves to be shared, wouldn’t you agree?

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He is faced with a decision: his girlfriend or his dog. Without a moment’s hesitation, he chooses the latter Sat, 14 Oct 2023 00:49:14 +0000 This man and his girlfriend wanted to move in together, but she despised his beagle Molly. So she gave him a choice: her or me.In romantic relationships, it’s usually a bad sign when things come down to an ultimatum.
When one person forces the other to make an impossible choice, it’s usually a sign of larger problems in the relationship, and suddenly they all come to a head in one drastic dilemma.
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When this man and his girlfriend discussed moving in together, there was a problem: his girlfriend hated his dog. So, she made him choose: it was either her or the dog…
This man and his girlfriend wanted to move in together, but she despised his beagle Molly. So she gave him a choice: her or me.


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Soon after, he made this ad on Craigslist: “My girlfriend does not like my beagle Molly. SO I have to rehome her.”

“She is a purebred from a wealthy area and I have had her for 4 years. She likes to play games. Not totally trained. Has long hair so she’s a little high maintenance, especially the nails, but she loves having them done.”


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“Stays up all night yapping but sleeps while I work. Only eats the best, most expensive food. Will NEVER greet you at the door after a long day or give you unconditional love when you’re down. Does not bite but she can be mean as hell!

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He concluded the post: “So…anyone interested in my 30-year-old, selfish, wicked, gold-digging girlfriend? Come and get her! Me and my dog want her rehomed ASAP!!”


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LOL! That’s a tough position to be in, but it sounds like that guy definitely made the right call. Making somebody give up their pet is simply too much to ask!

Share this hilarious story with your friends below!

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Goose Rescues a Homeless Puppy from the Cold by Sheltering It Beneath Its Wings Fri, 13 Oct 2023 01:00:27 +0000 Empathy is a human trait that makes us understand the pain others feel, motivating us to care for others.

However, despite our ability to empathize, people too many times just close their eyes and choose not to help.

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Animals can feel empathy just like humans do. They empathize with each other, but also with humans and even with other animals.

They are innocent and pure-hearted. And this goose who saved a puppy from freezing weather is the perfect example of empathy between different species.

These photos of a goose wrapping a shivering puppy with its wings should remind us that we should always choose to help others.

In these images, we can see that the goose even used its beak to pet the puppy and make him sleep comfortably under its warm wings.Here you can see that the puppy is sleeping comfortably under the goose’s wings.

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The puppy was supposedly abandoned by his mother dog, and found in this goose an unlikely friend.

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Mama Dog Races Against Time to Rescue Puppies Trapped in Rising Floodwaters Fri, 13 Oct 2023 00:56:45 +0000 If you’ve ever come across the phrase ‘animal instincts,’ it’s a perfect way to describe the incredible actions of a mother dog and her puppies.

mama dog races the clock to saving drowning puppies stuck in rising waters

The unfortunate puppies found themselves trapped in rising floodwaters, but their determined mother knew precisely what needed to be done.

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The puppies were trapped in a hole that was quickly filling with water. As the dog fervently dug and dug at the hole, the water continued to pour in. The dog’s owner stood beside, doing everything in their power to empty the water as fast as possible.

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It’s truly astonishing to fathom the unwavering focus of this dog in her mission to rescue her pups from imminent danger. Once the hole was sufficiently enlarged, she leaped forward and descended into it. You could just barely see her tail sticking out, and then suddenly, she made contact.

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She emerged from the hole, carrying her initially unresponsive puppies. You can witness chest compressions being administered. One of the puppies gasped for air and eventually recovered. All the puppies were successfully rescued and are now safe and in good health!

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I encourage you to watch the video and witness this remarkable rescue executed by a devoted mother dog.

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His owner deprived him of nourishment and hydration for an extended period, then abandoned him in a drain to perish. Thu, 12 Oct 2023 16:13:46 +0000
Volunteers of D.C.’s Humane Rescue Alliance found a severely emaciated Pit Bull mix in a gutter in Okie Street NE. The dehydrated 9-month-old pup, later named Shepherd, was stuck in the gutter for 12 hours, and his organs were slowly shutting down.

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Shepherd was rushed to a local hospital. The vet didn’t see much hope for him as he would collapse all the time and had severe mange rotting away his skin. But after 1 week of intensive care, Shepherd passed this critical stage and slowly found the strength to live again!

Shepherd has now been shifted to a foster home in Burke, Virginia. His foster mom Kim O’Keefe finds it revolting that someone so cruelly hurt the sweet, loving and easy-going Shepherd. Under Kim’s care, Shepherd is getting stronger every day and will soon be ready for a forever home.

The Humane Rescue Alliance volunteers are meanwhile assisting the cops to help find the twisted person who dumped Shepherd like garbage. The shelter was just steps away from the gutter, yet the culprit chose to let the dog suffer and d.i.e a slow d.e.a.t.h in the gutter.

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Cops are looking for the culprit who drove a dark-colored, four-door sedan with no hood. A reward of $10000 has been offered for any information that leads to the arrest of the culprit. Pass on this message and help the cops nab this cruel offender and bring them to justice.
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Click the video below to watch Shepherd the miracle puppy’s heartbreaking case of abandonment and his current recovery.

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An elderly and ailing dog once lingered in a garbage dump, anticipating the conclusion of her days, but now she beams with joy Wed, 11 Oct 2023 17:06:08 +0000 Animal rescuers deal with numerous reports daily, but the plight of a specific dog deeply touched Victor Lakhill and his dedicated team of volunteers in Spain. This mature canine displayed evident physical deterioration and had not been fortunate in life, as documented by dogfulf.

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In a setting surrounded by waste, flies, rodents, and copious pollution, resided the vulnerable Maya, an elderly dog who came to the attention of the volunteers at Let’s Adop International, a foundation led by Valencian Víctor Lakhill.

The location where Maya lived was fraught with perilous elements, yet the first person to encounter her decided to make the best of the situation. Prior to contacting the foundation, this kind-hearted individual constructed a makeshift shelter for Maya using plastic tarps, providing her with refuge. Remarkably, Maya remained in this shelter until help arrived.

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Victor rescued the dog on a cold and rainy night, finding her nestled in the small blue shelter crafted by the benevolent stranger.

Maya’s condition was distressing. She suffered from skin issues, her eyes were afflicted due to tear duct problems and a lack of grooming, painful mastitis, teeth loss, and abrasions on various parts of her body.

Despite her dire appearance, Maya had a remarkable disposition. When she saw her rescuer, she instinctively knew that help had arrived. She meekly allowed them to leash her and transport her to the awaiting car.

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It’s likely that Maya had been exploited as a “caretaker” in that dreadful landfill, a truly disheartening situation.

Maya followed Victor’s instructions obediently and settled into a cage in the car as directed. Remarkably, she proved to be one of the most cooperative and agreeable furry companions the rescuers had encountered. Typically, dogs tend to exhibit fear, reluctance, or even aggression towards strangers.

The rescuer drove through the city with Maya in tow until they reached the healthcare facility where she would receive treatment. A veterinarian diagnosed Maya with anemia, Anaplasma, and Ehrlichia, all of which are ailments caused by parasites and ticks.

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With a diagnosis in hand, Maya received a much-needed bath and the essential nourishment to initiate her road to recovery.

Throughout her recovery journey, this elderly dog received attentive care from top specialists and caregivers, who not only showered her with care but also affection, and soon Maya began to express her gratitude.

Sadly, during her recovery, an unseen adversary emerged, threatening Maya’s life with a tumor. Thankfully, this menace was identified and surgically removed, marking another significant trial for Maya.

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Remarkably, she recuperated so well that she was deemed ready to find a new home. After careful deliberation, the volunteers identified the ideal family for her.

A woman named Dahlia, along with her husband and daughter, decided to make Maya the cherished member of their family and the focal point of their home.

Upon meeting them, Maya was overwhelmed by the affection and attention showered upon her. Undoubtedly, this was one of her happiest days after enduring so much need and loneliness in that landfill.

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Thanks to these compassionate individuals, this elderly and ailing dog now has a place to spend her remaining days, filled with happiness.

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Heroic Service Dog Shields Blind Owner by Interposing Himself in Front of a School Bus Wed, 11 Oct 2023 17:04:06 +0000 A guide dog demonstrated remarkable loyalty and courage when he noticed an approaching small school bus heading straight for his visually impaired owner.

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Audrey Stone and her service dog, Figo, were in the path of the school bus, unbeknownst to the bus driver. However, Figo saw the approaching danger and reacted swiftly by positioning himself between Stone and the oncoming vehicle, acting as a shield.

figo service dog jumps between bus and owner

As reported by USA Today, Brewster Chief of Police John Del Gardo expressed profound admiration for Figo, stating, “The dog absorbed much of the impact and remained steadfastly by her side. He was determined to protect her.”

Fifteen emergency medical technicians (EMTs) promptly arrived to assist Stone, who had suffered a fractured right elbow, a broken ankle, and three broken ribs. Throughout the ordeal, Figo remained by her side, with Stone repeatedly calling out to him for reassurance.

service dog 1Despite suffering a severe laceration on his right leg, Figo displayed remarkable composure and did not vocalize distress, even though he was clearly in pain.

As Figo couldn’t accompany Stone in the ambulance, he was transported in the Brewster Fire Department truck and promptly taken to the veterinarian for treatment.

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Both Figo and Stone are now in recovery after undergoing surgery and are reported to be in stable condition.

What an exceptionally selfless and courageous dog! Share Figo’s heroic act with your loved ones and friends.

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