The tale of Toncka, a female puppy discarded on the roadside, stands as a true testament to the resilience and fortitude of animals. Weighing only 4 kg and severely malnourished, Toncka miraculously tested negative for all infectious diseases. However, she suffered visibly from rickets, infested with ticks and fleas, sporting poor-quality fur, and significantly undersized for her age.
Fortunately, a group of compassionate individuals came to Toncka’s rescue, providing her with the love and care she so desperately needed. They named her Toncka and promptly initiated the essential tests, therapies, medications, vitamins, high-quality nutrition, and a safe haven.
Toncka displayed remarkable determination, steadily making progress despite the obstacles. Daily visits to the veterinarian for care and treatment, along with unwavering dedication from her caretakers, contributed to her steady weight gain and transformation into a beautiful dog. Toncka also required leg therapy, although her caregivers remained steadfast in their support.
Their continuous efforts and care paid off, and after 120 days of dedicated attention and affection, Toncka made a complete recovery. Her story serves as an inspiration to us all, emphasizing the significance of animal rescue and care.
We should all play our part in assisting animals in need, following the example of the kind-hearted individuals who came to Toncka’s aid. Thanks to their determination, Toncka found a joyful home with a loving family who will provide her with care and cherish her for the rest of her days.