In the poignant tale of maternal devotion, a mother’s sacrifice unfolds as a rescuer makes a heartfelt promise to a pregnant dog, ultimately resulting in a miraculous rescue.

Upon discovering a pregnant dog, the rescuer wasted no time honoring the pledge he made to his late mother. The subsequent events deeply touched my soul.


Dogs are incredibly fascinating creatures, always prepared to offer unconditional affection, especially to young babies, for whom they are willing to sacrifice their lives.

This is precisely what occurred to Gaia, a pregnant dog abandoned on the streets of California.

Dog rescue in central California Gaia Sydney Matilda Gabriella Please share. 0 2 screenshot

Despite everything, the lovely dog never gives up and works tirelessly every day to provide a small amount of food for the helpless animals growing within her.

The heroic mother sacrificed everything to rescue her babies until the very end.

Dog rescue in central California Gaia Sydney Matilda Gabriella Please share. 1 7 screenshot

During her journey, Gaia encounters two kind people who cared for her throughout her last trimester of pregnancy.

Despite their willingness to provide her with a home, the wild dog refuses to trust humans again, preferring to care for her offspring alone.

Dog rescue in central California Gaia Sydney Matilda Gabriella Please share. 1 17 screenshot

However, the concerned women reached out to the Bill Foundation to ensure the dog received all required assistance during her labor. Additionally, the charity contacted Hope For Paws to find a home for the dog and her puppies.

This led rescuer Eldad Hagar to the scheduled birthing location in search of the dog and her puppies. He was upset, however, when he found only the three babies and no evidence of the mother.

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“I kept checking behind me to make sure the mother didn’t flee to protect her cubs,” Eldad explained.

Soon later, a stranger approached the rescuer and delivered the bad news: the dog had been run over and was lying on the side of the road.

Eldad quickly proceeded to where the almost lifeless body of the dog was found and, inspired by the situation, made the most significant promise of his life with his final breath:

“I’m sorry they treated you this way. I promise I’ll save your children.”

The man swiftly went to where the puppies were to fulfill his promise, but the puppies were scared and hid in a large hole.

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Eldad utilized food to gain their attention, aiming to bring them out of hiding, and it succeeded for one of the puppies named Sydney.

Despite the fact that the man already had one of the cubs with him, Sydney’s cries led her siblings to retreat further down the hole, where Eldad could not reach them.

“At that moment, the other two puppies were terrified and didn’t come out for two hours,” Eldad explained.

Dog rescue in central California Gaia Sydney Matilda Gabriella Please share. 5 20 screenshot

The man was concerned that the cubs would continue to sink further into the hole, making rescue difficult. So, in his desperation, he carried her mother’s lifeless body so that the babies might get closer.

Dog rescue in central California Gaia Sydney Matilda Gabriella Please share. 1 39 screenshot

In the end, he managed to rescue Matilda, the adorable little pup, but there was still one more baby to save. The third puppy, named Gabriella, took her time and emerged after a four-hour wait, proving to be a bit more challenging to catch than her brothers.

Once the three puppies were safely together, the rescuer transported them to the shelter. There, they quickly found a loving new family within a couple of days, a family that showered them with all the love Gaia could have hoped for.

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This tragic incident reminds us of the importance of being more compassionate towards stray animals. Abandoning them to their fate is a great cruelty, even in a situation as delicate as pregnancy. Gia was a wonderful mother, and she will find solace in knowing she did so much for her children on the other side of the rainbow.

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