A year ago, Buddy, a dog, gained widespread attention when he fell victim to a violent burn attack by a child, resulting in severe damage to his face. Despite the ordeal, Buddy managed to keep his spirit intact. In the past few months, he has made a remarkable recovery. Now, a year after the incident, Buddy’s new owner has affirmed that he is fully healed and thriving.
Readers should be aware that this narrative contains disturbing pictures.
Buddy originally made headlines in April when he returned home with horrific burns on his face after being set on fire. His flesh was scorched, and the agony was so intense that his eyelids swelled shut, blinding him. He was also wearing an extension cord around his neck, which he claimed was used to bind him.
The individual responsible for the atrocious act was ultimately identified as a young person who confessed to setting fire to the dog. However, due to Mississippi law stating that individuals under the age of 12 cannot be charged, no punishment could be administered.
Buddy, the victim, was taken to the Tunica Humane Society for treatment due to the severity of his injuries. The veterinarians attending to him were astounded by the extent of his injuries and warned that his recovery would be a long and challenging journey. They expressed concern about his prognosis, stating that it was not promising at the moment.
Sandy Williams from the Tunica Humane Society expressed disbelief at the cruelty displayed, stating, “It’s unimaginable that someone could be so heartless.” She described Buddy as a friendly and non-aggressive dog who was often seen following children around the neighborhood.
Dr. Elizabeth Swanson, an associate professor and veterinary surgeon, shared an update on Buddy’s condition, saying, “Buddy’s vital signs are stable, but considering his burns, he has a tough road ahead, typical of burn patients.”
Buddy was later transferred to Mississippi State University College of Veterinary Medicine for advanced treatment. Despite his ordeal, veterinarians were surprised by his positive demeanor in the face of adversity. An update from the Humane Society noted, “He remained in high spirits, wagging his tail, and was remarkably cooperative.”
With time, Buddy’s condition gradually improved. Although his vision was impaired due to the bandages covering his head, veterinarians were relieved to find that his eyelids had not been affected by the burns.
The Humane Society provided updates on Buddy’s progress, stating, “He continues to make daily progress, and his skin grafts have been successful. Despite the challenges associated with healing burns, Buddy is recovering remarkably well.”
“During today’s bandage change, significant improvements were observed in the appearance of his face, and Buddy continues to learn basic activities as he heals.”
After several months of rehabilitation, Buddy underwent successful skin grafts, enabling him to gradually revert to his old self with fewer bandages.
“He’s much happier and playful now that his ears are no longer confined by bandages,” noted the Tunica Humane Society last summer. “I am certain he is experiencing immense joy as he gradually resumes his normal life.”
In a significant milestone reached in August, the bandages covering Buddy’s face were finally removed, allowing him to see again after months of darkness.
The Humane Society reported, “His eyes were wide open, and he was remarkably aware.” “YES, Buddy can see again, all thanks to the countless prayers from all of you.”