Saved Canine Reconnects with Brothers and Sisters in the Urban Setting, Prompting a Heartfelt Choice to Adopt.


Encountering an individual who bears a remarkable resemblance to you can evoke a friendly greeting. In a similar vein, when Bethany Coleman embarked on a stroll with her dog, Rogue, and came across a canine that was an exact copy of her furry companion, introductions were inevitable.

The thought of adding another dog to her household wasn’t initially part of Bethany Coleman’s plan. She was already caring for a young rescue dog named Rogue and looking after two senior cats, making her and her boyfriend, Tyson, quite busy. However, destiny had different intentions in October 2016 when Coleman and Rogue visited the local farmers’ market. Among the market’s offerings, they encountered another dog – a spitting image of Rogue. Coleman recalls her thoughts, saying, “Beast was a complete surprise! A local shelter had a group of dogs available for adoption, and one of them happened to be Rogue’s exact twin. I remember calling Tyson and saying, ‘I’ve found a dog I want to rescue.'”

Initially, the idea of adding another pet wasn’t at the forefront of Bethany’s mind, but her heart had other plans. She explains, “I just fell in love with him immediately! He looked just like Rogue! They got along so well and started playing right away. So, I began filling out the adoption paperwork right then and there.” This 8-month-old puppy, later named Beast, appeared destined to become part of their family. Surprisingly, Rogue embraced Beast as if recognizing a long-lost sibling.

Despite Beast’s growth, now twice the size of Rogue, he firmly believes they are twins. Coleman chuckles as she shares, “He believes he’s just as small as Rogue, even though he isn’t, and he can’t understand why he can’t do the things she does.” Beast’s affectionate and cheerful nature perfectly complements Rogue’s energy and intelligence. They have transitioned from being mere pets to becoming inseparable companions.


After relocating to Hawaii, their familial bonds have grown even stronger. Not even a mandatory quarantine upon their arrival could weaken their connection. Coleman had worried that the dogs might forget her during their separation, but their reunion felt as though no time had passed. Their cross-country journey emphasized the idea that this close-knit family will always remain united. Coleman reflects, “Our adventure across the country together proved that this little family will always be together… We’ll forever cherish each day for the unconditional love they bestow upon us, and we eagerly anticipate our next adventure.”


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