Suzette Hall: The Guardian Angel for Puppies Seeking a Loving Home

Suzette Hall, the founder of Logan’s Legacy, is dedicated to saving as many dogs as she can from the Los Angeles area. Ideally, Hall and her team promptly answer distress calls and rescue dogs in need. However, there are occasions when the situation turns chaotic, posing greater challenges to their rescue efforts. This was the case recently when a resident noticed a fluffy creature trapped in a sewer drain.

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The puppy, a retriever mix only six months old, had stayed hidden beneath a residential neighborhood for weeks without anyone noticing. Most passersby ignored her completely until a compassionate dog lover finally spotted her and refused to leave her alone.

This kind-hearted person shared the puppy’s location on Facebook, and soon, a crowd of dog enthusiasts gathered at the site. “People came with treats and leashes,” Hall recalled. “It resembled a tourist attraction. It felt surreal.”

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Despite their well-meaning efforts, the puppy’s fear intensified due to the large number of people around. She would cautiously emerge from the sewer, only to quickly retreat when a kind stranger approached. Deep within the drain, approximately 18 feet away, she had found refuge. Even when her potential rescuers attempted to lure her out using long sticks and poles, she remained elusive, staying beyond their reach in the depths of the sewer drain Hall affectionately called “the hole.”

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After politely requesting everyone else to depart, Hall and her team devised a unique plan.

“We understood the necessity of blocking off her escape route,” Hall explained. “It was our sole opportunity.”

They patiently waited for more than two days, hoping the hungry puppy would reemerge. When she finally did, the team promptly sealed off the hole.

The relief that engulfed the rescue team was evident. The dog, later named Cora, couldn’t slip back into the hole. However, Hall couldn’t help but experience a twinge of sadness for her.

“For two weeks, that was her little sanctuary,” Hall said. “She felt secure there.”

Nonetheless, Hall was aware that Cora’s brighter days were still ahead.

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Having lost her hiding spot, Cora swiftly found shelter under a nearby car. The team utilized baby gates to block the car’s lower access, and Hall deftly slipped a snare leash over her head.

“When they exclaimed, ‘Suzette, you’ve got her,’ I couldn’t contain my emotions,” Hall confessed. “We all stood there, tears of happiness streaming down our faces.”

After a long-awaited moment of jubilation, Hall gently cradled Cora and hurried her to Camino Pet Hospital. There, Cora received a clean bill of health, a much-needed bath, and was officially prepared for foster care.

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Cora is on the verge of meeting her temporary family, yet her search for a permanent home endures. During this time, she will persist in expressing her gratitude and affection towards those who rescued her, eagerly awaiting the security and love that will define her future. According to Hall, “She is an incredibly gentle dog, and soon she will experience a life of enduring safety and love.”




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