When she reunites with her dog, whom she believed was lost forever, tears stream down her face uncontrollably

Unforeseen accidents can catch us off guard, and this includes our beloved four-legged companions. These incidents tend to leave a lasting bitter impression on those who endure them. Fergus and his family know this all too well.


Fergus, an impressive Irish wolfhound weighing nearly 90 kilograms, resided with his family in Nashville, Tennessee, enjoying a perfect life until an unfortunate encounter with a car at a city intersection on January 30.

The collision sent poor Fergus airborne, and in his disorientation, he bolted from the scene. While Mickey and his wife emerged physically unscathed, their hearts shattered as they realized their cherished dog had disappeared.

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“Within half an hour of the accident, people from all around came together to assist in our search for Fergus. We had rescue teams mobilized, with feeding stations set up, doing everything in our power to follow any leads,” recounted Meredith Lucket, Mickey’s daughter.

From that moment onward, a relentless pursuit began to locate the missing pet. Fergus held a special place in the hearts of the community, with over 200 individuals joining the “Find Fergus” Facebook group initiated by Meredith.

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As the saying goes, where there’s a will, there’s a way, and their strategy finally bore fruit.

Word of the incident spread rapidly, yet their beloved pet remained elusive. Days turned into weeks, and hope began to dwindle for the family.

“At any given time, cars passing within a two-mile radius of the accident site were equipped with flashing lights, causing traffic to slow down. It was truly remarkable,” Mickey’s daughter remarked.

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“They saw him limping toward the Judson Baptist Church right after the accident,” Meredith wrote.

Despite days of relentless searching, it seemed as though all hope was lost. Then, a phone call breathed new life into their spirits. A neighbor reported having found Fergus, and the entire family eagerly anticipated the reunion.

This was the first sighting of Fergus on the streets:

“Early this morning, they contacted us with the news that Fergus had been found 8 kilometers southwest of the accident site,” Meredith recounted.

The reunion with Fergus was captured in a heartwarming video that brought tears to the eyes of those who viewed it on social media.

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For those who share their homes with pets, it’s only natural to empathize with these individuals and share in the joy that the Lucketts experienced during that moment.

Meredith couldn’t help but shed tears as she was reunited with her dog. Fergus, for his part, wagged his tail, nestled against her shoulder, and howled with sheer happiness.

So, grab a tissue and witness this heartwarming scene for yourself.

“He’s truly a gentle giant. He can be a bit of a diva and loves being indoors, which is why we were so worried about him being outside. He’s definitely a pampered pet,” the young woman commented.

Following the reunion, Fergus underwent a thorough check-up at the veterinarian’s office to confirm his well-being. Fortunately, his substantial size had protected him from any broken bones. He was merely hungry and in need of care during his time on the streets.

Were it not for the collective effort in this case, Fergus might still be lost and vulnerable. His story serves as a testament to the incredible impact of social media.

At Zoorpreпdeпte, we encourage you to utilize social media for spreading positivity and assisting pet owners, much like Fergus’s family, in sharing their stories when their furry friends go missing. You’ll be astonished at what you can achieve.

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